Editorial Values

Farudhun Media is committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalism, aiming to inform the public through credible, fact-based reporting and commentary. Our primary objective is to enhance public trust in the media.

Our core principles encompass:

  • Accuracy: We prioritize factual and honest journalism, ensuring that our reporting is well- sourced, evidence-based, and clear. We strive to present all relevant facts to arrive at the truth.
  • Fairness: Our reporting includes necessary background and context, presenting multiple perspectives to provide a balanced view of the stories we cover.
  • Transparency: We disclose the origins of our content and provide hyperlinks to original sources, ensuring timely and understandable information. Authors are identified unless security concerns arise.
  • Impartiality: We maintain neutrality in our reporting, distinguishing between news and opinion. All opinion pieces are clearly labeled, allowing for a diversity of viewpoints.
  • Accountability: We acknowledge our errors and correct them promptly, listening to audience feedback to improve our practices.
  • Humanity: We recognize the potential impact of our words and images on individuals and communities, striving to do no harm.